How to avoid distractions ?

 Regardless of our Fields, every one of us wants to stay focused and use most of our time efficiently, Here are some ways to stay focused and avoid distractions.

Identify what distracts you: 
This is the first step to stay focused, The distraction maybe your mobile phone, Tv, or food, identifying the problem will make it easier to find the solutions
Plan proper breaks: 
our brains cannot be focused for so long, it will feel too tired and boring, which leads to distractions, so when you are scheduling your day or planning a study timetable allow proper breaks in between, Take a break, fresh up, and comeback.
Wake up earlier: 
I know this is a most difficult task to do, but many studies have proven that our brain is more active in the morning time and you can stay focused for long in the mornings.
Sign out of social media: 
This is one trick to make social media scrolling difficult, this is the one that worked for me, after using  Facebook, I uninstalled the app so if I want to use it again I have to download and install it this felt kind of boring and difficult.
Have a daily routine: 
Having your time already blocked, will remind you whenever you are watching tv or scrolling social media that in this time you will be doing something else ...a sense of guilt that will guide you back to work.
Create a productive work area:
 If you want to draw get all the sketchbook, paper, pencils, paints, and whatever stuff you want on that desk, declutter your desk every night, This will give you a feeling of being organised.
Digital tools:
in the digital world there is a digital solution for all our problems, there are so many applications available at this time, my favourite one is "Forest " . whenever you start learning this app will plant a seed on your screen, as you continue the seed will grow up into a tree, while the tree is growing it won't allow you to use other apps if you stop in between the tree will die, so by focusing you can develop a forest. It May sound simple but works effectively.
play some background music: 
This is helpful for some tasks but not for all, you can give it a try.
Turn off notifications:
This is the popular and most effective one. many of you might have already tried it, but the common mistake is people turning off their notifications only at exam times or during other important work timings but that's not going to help you in the long term, if you have exams or not, have important projects going on or not your notifications should be off, if you are free just open the app and check for messages and stuff, if you are busy keep on working, you can start with turning off notifications for the one social media app which distracts you more.
   In the case of social media, there is another useful way, that is using them for your business promotion, improving communication skills, for getting inspirations ideas etc, so if you can't stop scrolling at least make your scrolling useful.
one task at a time:
plan your timing and do your preplanned task at that time, most of the time we can't avoid multitasking but whenever we want perfection we should avoid it and focus on one thing at a time
Environment shaping: 
Most of the time our environment is the culprit, but we can shape our environment, one smart idea is 'one place for one use'. The study desk is for studying not for eating/playing, ay repetition whenever you go to the desk you will study you won't eat/play that's how you can minimize distractions
  addition by subtraction:
By  Substracting the unwanted apps, unwanted notifications, files unwanted food on the work table we can add up more work efficiency.