Meditation - a complete guide

Meditation - a complete guide :

Benefits of Meditation

Table of contents :
               2.  History of meditation
               5.  Meditation mudras
               6.  Meditation music

 1.what is the meaning of Meditation :

              Meditation is a technique by which a person can achieve a clear mind by focussing on one thing/one activity.

              Meditation helps you to achieve a calm and composed mind, it directly benefits your emotional and mental health by relieving stress, controlling anger, and improving your self-esteem.

               By doing that indirectly improves your physical health status.

 2.History of Meditation :

               In Hinduism , meditation exists as a religious practice, meditation mentioned in Upanishads as a way to obtain knowledge and peace of mind
              4th century BCE - an early spread of dhyana and Buddhism 
              5th and 6th century BCE - the spread of various forms of meditation Buddhist India and Taoist china
              the silk road introduced meditation to other countries 
               Bodhidharma is considered the transmitter of the concept of meditation to china
               the first original school of meditation was founded by Zhiyi
              100 CE - Valmiki sutra  includes various pathways of meditation and enlightening wisdom
            7th century - meditation was promoted to korea by wonhyo and  uisang

                                         - Japanese monk dosho learned meditation during his visit to china  

                      around the 12th-century Sufism included various meditative techniques, its followers practiced breathing controls and repetition of holy words.

                      in 1893 world congress of religions was held in Chicago, it was a landmark event in spreading awareness about meditation in western countries, thereafter Swamy Vivekananda founded so many Vedanta ashrams 

3.Why you should start Meditation :

  • Meditation improves your focus and concentration
  • IT Enhances your decision-making skills by providing a clear and calm mind
  • Improves self-esteem also improves self-awareness and self-love, thereby helps in self-improvement 
  • Reduces stress and anxiety
  • Manage your anger
  • Reduce Blood pressure
  • Helps in deaddiction
  • Increases your pain tolerance
  • Improves sleep
  • Increases your creativity and imagination.
  • Increases patience
  • Makes you happier
  • Slow down the aging process
  • Reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke 

4.Beginners meditation guide :

       You can learn meditation and mindfulness with a master or yogi 
       but also more people learned meditation on their own
      do not overthink or be harsh with yourself, do it in your comfortable position, and do your best 
STEP 1: Find a  comfortable and quiet place
STEP 2: Initially set a short duration of time,5 minutes / 10 minutes
STEP 3: sit in your comfortable position, sit in the chair/floor, sit cross-legged or kneel down anything is fine
STEP 4:  Close your eyes and now focus on your breath (mindfulness meditation) / a particular sound / one activity /one object, when your mind loses focus, bring it back, it's very common in the beginning don't be harsh on yourself 
STEP 5: Open your eyes and feel the difference in your mind and body.
STEP 6: Include it in your daily routine.

5. One-minute meditation :

       This is for immediate refreshment in the middle of the day
       slowly breath in through your nose 
       hold it for the count of five
       release it through your mouth 
      repeat it 1-4 times.

6.Meditation mudras :

       After practicing the beginner stage, you can add up mudras in meditation, there are around 399 mudras present.
The five elemental mudras :
Meditation Mudras

7.Meditation Music :

     Music has the power to relax our mind, it also reduces stress and tension, music also helps in pain alleviation 

here is one of my suggestion

7.Conclusion :

to conclude, in today's fast lifestyle take time for yourself and your mind, start meditation live healthily and happily