7 things you are wrong about brushing


1.Brushing is only for teeth

Brushing your teeth  maintains your oral health as well as general health 

brushing whitens the teeth

2.brushing more frequently improves dental health

You should brush your teeth twice a day as per the ADA recommendations

3. pressured brushing removes stains

Do not apply more pressure on your teeth while brushing, be gentle 

4.brush more time to kill germs

Brushing time should not exceed  2minutes

5.hard brush removes stains

Use a medium brush - in terms of hardness of the bristles

If you are having sensitivity or toothbrush-related abrasion you can go for soft bristle brushes

6. buying tooth pasted based on color and taste

Fluoridated kinds of toothpaste are recommended 

Avoid using horizontal strokes, always use your toothbrush in a circular motion

7.keeping old tooth brush for longer time 

change your brush after you got sick ,when in doubt look at the bristles if they are freyed change it immediately

Proper brushing techniques can  prevent all tooth-related problems